Is and how can I access it?

What is

The app is a tool of the Xunta de Galicia to help us take care of COVID-19. It allows you to receive alerts, be informed of restrictions, recommendations, public services and news, receive information on whether you have been to a place where an outbreak has occurred, if you are in close contact or if you have been diagnosed with COVID- 19. In this case, you will also be able to know your COVID Radar code and collaborate with the Xunta de Galicia in the management of the pandemic, informing of your close contacts and the establishments where you have been.

It should be noted that does not in any case constitute a medical diagnosis, health care or treatment prescription service. The use of does not replace personal consultation with a qualified medical professional or as determined by the health authority.

Who can access

Any citizen in Galicia can access You can access it anonymously or by identifying yourself with Chave365.

What is Chave365?

Chave365 is an identification system that allows emancipated adults or minors to identify themselves to the Xunta de Galicia, through their DNI, with a password and a single-use code, which you will receive on your mobile phone. More information:

What is the difference between anonymous access and access with Chave365?

If you do not have Chave365, or do not wish to use it, you can access PassCOVID as an anonymous user, but you will not have access to features that provide you with personal information about you.

What can I do with

What are its main features?

The sections of are as follows:

  • Covid to the day: it shows information on the restrictions in force in each municipality.

  • Stay informed: it allows you to receive important warnings to the population, find out the news about the state of the pandemic and consult the updated recommendations.

  • COVID Status: if you identify yourself with Chave365 you will receive information about whether you were diagnosed with COVID-19 or identified as close contact.

  • My contacts: if you have identified with Chave365 and have been diagnosed with COVID-19, you can add your close contacts and share them with the Galician Health Service.

  • My alerts: if you have identified yourself with Chave365, it allows you to receive personalized warnings addressed to you for any specific situation that affects you related to COVID-19..

  • COVID Radar Code: if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and have the COVID Radar App installed, you can consult your personal code to enter it in that App.

  • Symptom self-test: self-test form of the Galician Health Service for COVID-19.

  • Contact self-declaration: if you have been in close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 and have not yet been called from the Contact Monitoring Center, you can send your details so that the Ministry of Health can contact you.

  • Passenger Register: registration of personal data in case of stay in territories of high epidemiological incidence by COVID-19.

  • TELEA. Home care: access to the home health technology platform of the Galician Health Service.

  • Presence in establishments: you will be able to write down on the mobile phone in an agile and simple way, by capturing a QR, the establishments in which you have been. This way you can be warned if at any time a concentration of contagion is detected in any of them. Also, if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, you can send your list of establishments to the Galician Health Service, and thus collaborate with the management of the pandemic.


What are the "custom" features I have if I access Chave365?

If you access Chave365, you will be able to receive personalized notices addressed to you, and check if you have been identified as a close contact or if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19. In this case you can also collaborate by informing people you consider your close contacts, the establishments you have been to and signed up for in the App, and consult the COVID Radar code that has been assigned to you.

What happens at if you are diagnosed with COVID-19?

If you have identified yourself with Chave365 and are diagnosed with COVID-19, you will receive a warning in the "My Alerts" section. In the "COVID Status" section you can consult your new situation and personalized recommendations. Also from the section "My environment", you can add those people with whom you were less than a meter and a half for at least fifteen minutes from two days before you started with the symptoms (or that they tested you, if you are asymptomatic ) and share them with SERGAS. You can also share with SERGAS the list of establishments you have been to and signed up for on your mobile phone in the last 10 days.

Why should I write down the establishments I visit on

In the event that the health authority determines that a relevant number of infections has been concentrated in an establishment on a specific date or dates, it may send a notice to If you’ve been to that location and signed up for the App, you’ll immediately receive a notice of the situation and appropriate instructions.

In addition, if you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you will be able to share with SERGAS your list of establishments and thus collaborate with the management of the pandemic.

How do the QRs of the maximum capacity posters work in the hospitality industry?

There is a QR code on the maximum capacity information signs. This QR is unique by establishment, and encodes your basic data (identifier, name, address), and is electronically signed to ensure its reliability. When capturing the QR with the PassCOVID application, it is validated that the QR is valid, and allows to save locally on the mobile device that has been in said place on the day and time of the moment of capture. The data of these stays are stored on the mobile for ten days. In the event that the Xunta de Galicia determines that in a place there has been a possible source of contagion on certain dates, it publishes that information to the PassCOVID App, and it is the App that checks if the user has been in said place in said dates. If so, the App notifies the user and suggests how he should contact the Galician Health Service. At no time is the Xunta de Galicia informed of the stays of users in the premises. Only in the event that the user has been diagnosed as a COVID case and identifies himself in PassCOVID with Chave365, will he have the voluntary possibility of informing about the establishments in which he has been, being necessary for the user to explicitly confirm it by pressing a button that only enables in that situation.

Will I know in which establishment I was able to become infected?

If SERGAS determines that a concentration of infections has occurred in an establishment, and sends this information to, the App will check if you have registered in that establishment on the dates indicated. In the event of a coincidence, you will receive a notice alerting you to this situation, but you will not be given specific information about the establishment and the date.

Will others know that it was I who tested positive for COVID-19 and was in a particular establishment?

No, the information sent to about establishments with a concentration of contagion does not include information about the people who had those contagions, so neither the establishment nor the people alerted will have information about the people infected.

How is PassCOVID different from COVID Radar? Why two apps?

Radar COVID is an application of the Government of Spain, which serves to make automatic detection of contacts via bluetooth anonymously. is an application of the Xunta de Galicia connected to SERGAS that allows you to receive warnings, be informed of restrictions, recommendations, public services and news, receive information about whether you have been in a place where an outbreak of contagion has occurred, if you are in close contact or if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19. In this case, you will also be able to know your COVID Radar code and collaborate with the Xunta de Galicia in the management of the pandemic, informing of your close contacts and the establishments where you have been.

What is the COVID Radar code for?

The COVID Radar code is a code provided to you by the health authority and entered into the COVID Radar app. You can check this code at if you were diagnosed with COVID-19 and identified with Chave365.

Once you enter that code into COVID Radar, it verifies that it is actually a valid code and sends the data of the close contacts automatically detected by the App via Bluetooth.

Does serve to telematically monitor the disease caused by COVID-19?

No, is an information and collaboration tool, not a clinical management tool. Your doctor will tell you how to proceed to monitor the disease.

How can I check my vaccination certificate?

To consult your vaccination certificate, you must identify yourself with Chave365 and consent to access to your medical history. To give this consent you can go to your health center.

How is my data protected?

How is my data protected?

You can consult in detail the conditions of use of and the privacy policy in its specific sections. You can also see the detail in the "ORDER of 18 August 2020 regulating the information system as a complementary measure in the management of the health crisis caused by COVID-19", published in the DOG of 21 August 2020

What personal information does the application record about me?

In you can write down your municipality of residence to receive specific information on the situation of that municipality. You can also write down the establishments and dates you have been to, and in case you are diagnosed with COVID-19 and identify yourself with Chave365, you will also be able to write down information about your close contacts.

Both contact and establishment data are stored on your mobile device. To share them with the Galician Health Service, you must identify yourself with Chave365, be diagnosed with COVID-19, and voluntarily and expressly press the "Send list to SERGAS" button. also shares with the Xunta de Galicia a device code necessary to be able to send you notifications ("Push" messages). This data does not contain personal data about you, and you can enable and disable the sending of these messages through specific consent at any time.

The rest of the existing information about you will be information already existing previously in the Xunta de Galicia. Access to this information requires that in the first access to you consent to access to it.

Has the app geolocated me?

No, the app does not use GPS, nor any geolocation utility.


If I decide to stop using PassCOVID, can I delete all the information I have about the app?

Yes, you can revoke your access to your data at any time, which will lead to the deletion of your data and termination of the system.

This deletion of data will not apply to those data that have already been previously shared for the management of the pandemic, such as information on close contacts and stays and establishments, as these could be used by the Xunta de Galicia.